I am new to Puppet..I am trying to install a shell script and exceute it using Puppet. The shell script after running creates another conf file and places in a specific location /usr/local/conf/app.conf. How can I write a puppet code to execute this script and then take the output file and scp it to another server (in my case its the webserver). Can someone please help.
Let's assume you have developed a module named webconfig and your puppet config dir is /etc/puppet.
You would need to store your shell script as /etc/puppet/modules/webconfig/files/script.sh
Your puppet code would partially look like this:
file { '/path/to/script.sh':
ensure => present,
source => 'puppet:///modules/webconfig/script.sh',
mode => '0644',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
exec { 'Generate the config':
command => '/path/to/script.sh',
cwd => '/path/to',
user => 'root',
exec { 'SCP the config':
command => 'scp /usr/local/conf/app.conf user@remote-server:',
cwd => '/path/to',
user => 'root',