Top "Pull-to-refresh" questions

Pull To Refresh is a UI interaction wherein a user pulls down on a scrolling view or list, beyond the upper bounds of the view, and releases it in order to refresh the contents of that view or list.

Pull to refresh on UITableView Inside a UIViewController

I am trying to implement the pull to refresh functionality in my application. The architecture is such that the there …

ios uitableview pull-to-refresh uirefreshcontrol
flutter: no refresh indicator when using RefreshIndicator

I added the RefreshIndicator to my page, but there is no indicator visible when pull to refresh. The code is …

flutter pull-to-refresh
Pull To Refresh in iOS 7

I'm trying to get the pull to refresh feature working properly on iOS 7 in my Table View. On viewDidLoad, I …

ios ios7 pull-to-refresh
Animating UIScrollView contentInset causes jump stutter

I implemeted a custom refresh control (my own class, not a subclass), and for some reason since moving to iOS 8, …

ios uiscrollview uicollectionview pull-to-refresh
Pull to refresh like gmail new (4.5) application

In the new gmail application (4.5) the refresh is done by "Pull-to-Refresh" action in the Actionbar: Where can I find more …

android gmail android-actionbar pull-to-refresh
Android Lollipop - Pull to refresh

I am trying to implement pull-to-refresh in Android. I know there is SwipeRefreshLayout but with all the newly designed Google …

android android-5.0-lollipop pull-to-refresh
Pull to refresh for Android and Phonegap

We are building multi-platform mobile app using Cordova, html, css. For some of our screen, we need pull to refresh …

android cordova pull-to-refresh
simple example on how to use SwipeRefreshLayout with ListView

Does anyone have a simple example on how to use SwipeRefreshLayout with a ListView? Here is my situation: I have …

android android-layout android-listview pull-to-refresh
Pull to refresh and load in listview

I need to implement pull to refresh and load in listview.I have used custom adapter to create the listview.…

android listview custom-adapter pull-to-refresh