Top "Publish" questions

To publish is the process to make something publicly available.

Winforms: Not a Valid Win32 Application

I've created a simple Windows Form Application using VS2012 and I'm trying to install it to an XP machine. Unfortunately …

winforms visual-studio-2012 publish bootstrapper
Web deployment task failed. (The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentManager' threw an exception.)

I am getting the following error when I use web deploy from visual studio 2010. Web deployment task failed. (The type …

c# visual-studio-2010 publish web-deployment
How to sign your app using the upload key

I'm trying to publish my app to Google playstore, and I can not figure out how to sign the app …

android publish
What happens when I unpublish an app from the Google Play market?

When I unpublish an app, what happens then? I've an app, which is relying on third party data, which stopped …

android google-play publish
Custom app_offline.htm file during publish

When I publish my ASP.NET MVC application it generates a app_offline.htm file to take the site offline … visual-studio-2010 publish app-offline.htm
Build and publish C# .NET Web App via command line

I need to be able to generically and separately build and publish C# ASP.NET Web Applications. Ideally, I would …

c# .net web publish
Problems using MsBuild using command line for Publish Click Once

I have Windows application in csproj in my solution, and I want generate Publish using command line (bat, cmd). My …

msbuild clickonce publish
Post Publish Events

For normal (say Windows Forms) C# applications, to execute commands after a successful build I would use the Build Events-&…

c# visual-studio-2008 events publish
How can I publish to a MQTT topic in a Amazon AWS Lambda function?

I would like to have an easy command like I use in the bash to publish something to a topic …

amazon-web-services aws-lambda publish mqtt
AfterPublish target not working

World's simplest task (see below) is not being executed after I publish my web application project. Any idea why? <…

msbuild publish task