Top "Pseudo-element" questions

CSS pseudo-elements allow for an enhanced display of content within elements or the ability to generate extra beginning or ending content for elements.

Is it possible to use pseudo-elements (:after, :before) inside a table row?

I want to add absolutely positioned element as an :after (of :before) of a table row. Look at this: I …

css html-table pseudo-element absolute
Can you apply a width to a :before/:after pseudo-element (content:url(image))?

This is in addition to my recent question: Is it possible to use pseudo-elements to make containing elements wrap around …

css responsive-design pseudo-element css-content
:after vs. ::after

Is there any functional difference between the CSS 2.1 :after and the CSS 3 ::after pseudo-selectors (other than ::after not being supported …

css css-selectors pseudo-element pseudo-class
:hover:before text-decoration none has no effects?

As title, I'm adding icons using .icon-*. When adding an icon to an hyperlink: <a href="#" class="icon-email icon-large"&…

css css-selectors pseudo-element
Forcing IE8 to rerender/repaint :before/:after pseudo elements

so I've been toying with this calendar-ish thingy for a bit: Grid of divs (mimicking a table) Hovering over a …

javascript css internet-explorer-8 pseudo-element
Font Awesome 5 on pseudo elements shows square instead of icon

I am trying to change the content of a span with a Font Awesome icon directly from the CSS page …

html css font-awesome pseudo-element font-awesome-5
Can a ::before selector be used with a <textarea>?

I'm experimenting with some styles on <textarea>s and I tried doing some stuff with ::before and ::after …

html css forms css-selectors pseudo-element
CSS data attribute new line character & pseudo-element content value

Is it possible to have a new line in a data attribute ? I am trying to do something like this: …

html css newline pseudo-element css-content
Make CSS pseudoelement :before same height as main element

I've been looking all over and failed to find a solution to this on my own. I'm trying to make …

css counter contenteditable pseudo-element
Change style of pseudo elements in angular2

Is it possible to change style of pseudo elements using [style] or [ngStyle] in angular2? in order to get a …

css angular pseudo-element ng-style