Top "Proxy" questions

A proxy is a device or program that stands between two or more interconnected programs or devices.

Remove proxy settings from the windows command prompt

I had set proxy settings in cmd when I was in a proxy network as follows: set http_proxy=http://…

windows cmd proxy command-prompt http-proxy
Apache reverse proxy with basic authentication

Trying to configure my reverse proxy with basic authentication before forward the traffic to my back end server. Can any …

apache authentication proxy reverse reverse-proxy
Using RestTemplate, how to send the request to a proxy first so I can use my junits with JMeter?

I have a web service running on my dev box implemented using Spring-MVC 3.0. I have various JUnits that test against …

java rest proxy spring-mvc jmeter
When should one use CONNECT and GET HTTP methods at HTTP Proxy Server?

I'm building a WebClient library. Now I'm implementing a proxy feature, so I am making some research and I saw …

proxy httpwebrequest http-request http-proxy proxy-server
How do I run Node.js on port 80?

My aim is to run Node.js on port 80. This is because I am finding node.js is being blocked …

apache proxy node.js websocket
How to specify an authenticated proxy for a python http connection?

What's the best way to specify a proxy with username and password for an http connection in python?

python http proxy
Bower calls blocked by corporate proxy

I'm trying to use Bower for a web app, but find myself hitting some sort of proxy issues: D:\>…

proxy bower
PIP Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement SQLAlchemy

Ubuntu 12.04 Apache 2.2.22 pip has stopped working on my ubuntu server and gives the below error when I try to download …

ubuntu proxy ubuntu-12.04 pip pypi
Postman can't reach localhost

I am in a corporate env so I have to use a proxy to reach servers. This works well in …

proxy postman
nginx proxy all traffic to remote nginx

I have 2 servers, with IP xx.xx.xx.xx, situated in Germany ... (running frontend: nginx(static content), backend: Apache2) with …

proxy nginx traffic