How to import a OVA file to proxmox

VaTo picture VaTo · Jan 25, 2018 · Viewed 21k times · Source

I'm having some trouble trying to import an ova image to my proxmox server. I followed the steps of extracting the ova file and then converted the vmdk file to a qcow2 file with :

qemu-img convert -f vmdk RADIUSdesk-2016-4-0-disk1.vmdk  -O qcow2 qcowdisk.qcow2

but according to many pages now I have to copy that file to the VM directory e.g.:

mv qcowdisk.qcow2 /var/lib/vz/images/115/vm-115-disk-1.qcow2

the problem is that even though I created the VM 115 the directory "115" doesn't exist, so I'm suspecting that this is a way to do it with probably the version 4 of proxmox but not 5, which is the one I have. Could anyone please help me what do I have to do in the last step?


patrick_ picture patrick_ · Feb 26, 2018

Proxmox includes qm importdisk as command.

Extract your ova:

tar -xvf *.ova

Create a new VM without harddisks.

Import Your harddisks like this: (targetvmid is the vmnumber)

qm importdisk targetvmid disk001.vmdk local -format qcow2