Top "Prolog" questions

Do not use this tag like Prologue and Epilogue.

What does \+ mean in Prolog?

I've seen some answers here that use it and I don't know what it means or how to use it. …

Good IDE to get started with prolog

I need to start learning Prolog for my job. I haven't used Prolog before and my company needs to build …

Prolog Programming in Ubuntu

I have an interest in playing and fuxing with prolog, I have installed the swi-prolog and added the repository, just …

linux ubuntu prolog swi-prolog
Loading files in Prolog

I am going through a Prolog tutorial. It is telling me I can load other prolog files by typing: [filename]. …

Prolog count the number of times a predicate is true

I want to count the number of times a custom predicate is true. For example, I have the following code: …

Define graph in Prolog: edge and path, finding if there is a path between two vertices

I'm very new to Prolog. I defined in the following graph: And here's my Prolog code: edge(a,…

prolog graph-theory transitive-closure
What's a good Prolog IDE for Linux?

I need to write some Prolog programs for a class. Any recommendations?

linux ide prolog
power function in prolog

What is wrong with my power function? pow(_,0,1). pow(X,Y,Z) :- pow(X,Y-1,X*Z). ?- pow(2,3,…

math prolog logic exponentiation
Haskell vs. Prolog comparison

What kind of problems is better solved in Prolog than in Haskell? What are the main differences between these two …

haskell prolog
Flatten a list in Prolog

I've only been working with Prolog for a couple days. I understand some things but this is really confusing me. …

list prolog flatten dcg difference-lists