Top "Progress-bar" questions

A progress bar is a component in a graphical user interface used to convey the progress of a task, such as a download or file transfer.

How to disable user interaction while ProgressBar is visible in android?

I am using a custom ProgressBar. Now while a task is going on, I am showing the progress bar, but …

android user-interface progress-bar
Animating Bootstrap progress bar width with jQuery

I want to animate a progress bar's width from 0% to 70% over 2.5 seconds. However, the code below immediately changes the width …

javascript jquery twitter-bootstrap jquery-animate progress-bar
Methods ob_start and ob_flush don't work, why?

I am using ob_start()/ob_flush() to, hopefully, give me some progress during a long import operation. Here is …

php progress-bar ob-start
Smooth Progress Bar Animation

I'm trying to implement a smooth animation for my ProgressBar, but when I increase the time (30 seconds), the animation is …

android animation progress-bar
Android progressbar in button

Is there any possibility to show a spinning progress bar in a button? e.g. as background drawable?

android button progress-bar
How to create a Circular Style ProgressBar

I need help on implementing a circular progress bar like this: How should I implement the Circle to fill by …

c# wpf user-controls progress-bar
android progressBar does not update progress view/drawable

two Bars which shows the progress of a game. If the user get points or time is up etc the …

android progress-bar
How can I make a progress bar while copying a directory with cp?

I suppose I could compare the number of files in the source directory to the number of files in the …

bash progress-bar cp
Progressbar foreground color

Does anybody know how to change the foreground color of a WPF-Progressbar. It always seems to be merged with green.

c# wpf progress-bar
Progress Bar with axios

I have to display the upload status of the file using a Progress Bar. I am using axios to make …

javascript progress-bar vuejs2 axios