Top "Progress-4gl" questions

The Progress 4GL is a multi-platform interpreted language typically used to build business applications and is now known as ABL.

Reading input string from a text file in progress4gl

I have a .txt file having some text. I want to read this file and store it into a string. …

progress-4gl openedge
How can I calculate the total no of records using Progress 4GL

How can I calculate the total no. of records in a table? I want to show all table names in …

Pros and Cons of using object oriented programming for progress openedge

I understand the pros and cons of using object oriented programming as a concept. What I'm looking for are the …

oop progress-4gl openedge
Displaying progress records by sorting using any one attribute

Displaying progress records by sorting using any one attribute. I am new to progress so I want to know that …

progress-4gl openedge
How to clear buffer with ZPL II [Zebra GK420d]

In documentation of ZPL II language there is command "~JA" which allow to clear all jobs in buffer. Unfortunately it …

progress-4gl zebra-printers zpl-ii
Progress if statement

I'm a progress noob, actually having problem with basic blocks. Below the issue is in my if else statement. It …

progress-4gl openedge
How to round up in progress programming

I am writing a report for an MRP program and it contains a field I calculate for the quantity to …

rounding progress-4gl
Length of Array in progress?

Given two arrays, ( for example 1,2,3,4,5 and 2,3,1,0). Find which number of first array is not present in the second array. How …

progress-4gl openedge