Top "Process" questions

This tag is about operating system processes.

Process permanently stuck on D state

I have an issue with some processes stuck in a D state on Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS. They have been in this …

linux ubuntu process hard-drive
Sharing a complex object between Python processes?

I have a fairly complex Python object that I need to share between multiple processes. I launch these processes using …

python process multiprocessing sharing
Make sure only a single instance of a program is running

Is there a Pythonic way to have only one instance of a program running? The only reasonable solution I've come …

python process locking mutual-exclusion
Linux free shows high memory usage but top does not

On RedHat Linux 6.2 I'm running free -m and it shows nearly all 8GB used total used free shared buffers cached …

linux memory-management process redhat free-command
How to get parent process in .NET in managed way

I was looking a lot for method to get parent process in .NET, but found only P/Invoke way.

c# process pinvoke parent managed
How to get process id by its service name with a script to variable

I have service named WinDefend and it runs on process svchost.exe There other many svchost.exe processes and I …

powershell windows-7 process tasklist
What is the difference between a thread/process/task?

What is the difference between a thread/process/task?

process task terminology
Correct way (in .NET) to switch the focus to another application

This is what I have so far: Dim bProcess = Process.GetProcessesByName("By").FirstOrDefault If bProcess IsNot Nothing Then SwitchToThisWindow(bProcess.…

.net process pinvoke
Linux: process into a service

I am trying to make a linux executable as a service I execute my program like this below java -jar …

linux service process
How to get java getRuntime().exec() to run a command-line program with arguments?

I've been trying to write a java program that uses the Runtime.getRuntime().exec() method to use the command-line to …

java process exec runtime.exec