A procedure is a subroutine that does not return a value.
Can an Oracle SQL procedure return a table? I'm currently using a dbms_output to print out the outputs of …
sql oracle procedureI want to load this simple something into my Editor: Write:-repeat,write("hi"),nl,fail. So that it prints "…
procedure swi-prolog prolog-toplevelI create a simple procedure in oracle 11g with the client squirrel, this s the code create or replace procedure …
sql oracle procedure squirrel-sqlI need to create procedure which will delete all data from tables in one schema. I try something like that …
oracle plsql procedure execute-immediateMy learning mysql and my question is to check what i'm doing wrong here: I'm trying to make a sql …
mysql if-statement procedureWhat is the difference between ESP and EIP registers using the following examples? Explain what the code is doing. main …
assembly x86 procedure subroutine irvine32Is it possible to obtain the name of the current procedure/function as a string, within a procedure/function? I …
delphi procedure compile-timeIs it possible to pass an object function as a parameter in a procedure rather than passing the whole object? …
delphi function parameter-passing record procedure