In probability theory, the density of a random variable is a function that describes the relative likelihood for this random variable to take on a given value.
I have a x,y distribution of points for which I obtain the KDE through scipy.stats.gaussian_kde. This …
python integration kernel-density probability-densityСan anyone shine a light to my matlab program? I have data from two sensors and i'm doing a kNN …
matlab classification knn euclidean-distance probability-densityI have a density estimate (using density function) for my data learningTime (see figure below), and I need to find …
r probability kernel-density probability-density density-plotWe have the arraya=range(10). Using numpy.histogram: hist,bins=numpy.histogram(a,bins=(np.max(a)-np.min(a))/1, …
python scipy probability-densitySay I have a simple array, with a corresponding probability distribution. library(stats) data <- c(0,0.08,0.15,0.28,0.90) pdf_of_data &…
r random probability-densityBeing able to use the std <random> to generate random numbers of different prob distributions is great... Now, …
c++ boost c++11 stl probability-densityI think this might partly be an R question and partly a statistics question, so please excuse me if there …
r ggplot2 probability-density density-plot