Top "Privacy" questions

For questions related to privacy (user permissions / security techniques, internet tracking system such as Cookies, Web bugs etc.

How to disable the mongo .dbshell history file

When I run the mongo client, it stores a history of commands in $HOME/.dbshell. I would prefer not to …

mongodb privacy
Is it "safe" to install Android Device Administration applications in terms of privacy?

Is it "safe" to install Android Device Administration applications on my personal device? Can my company read my private data …

android device administration privacy mdm
Hiding sensitive/confidential information in log files

How would you go about hiding sensitive information from going into log files? Yes, you can consciously choose not to …

security language-agnostic logging privacy
How to make a webpage unsearchable?

Is there a way to make a webpage made as a resume unsearchable by any search engine? The aim is …

seo privacy
NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription supplied in info.plist but apple still asks for one

In my first upload from Xcode 8 to iTunes Store I received the following message from Apple This app attempts to …

ios privacy info.plist
Security and Privacy of VSCode extensions

I see that VSCode has a lot of nice extensions. I am however concerned if those extensions are sending my …

security visual-studio-code privacy