Top "Priority-queue" questions

A priority queue is a regular queue or stack data structure, but where additionally each element has a "priority" associated with it.

How to implement a priority queue using SQS(Amazon simple queue service)

I have a situation when a msg fails and I would like to replay that msg with the highest priority …

python boto priority-queue amazon-sqs
built-in max heap API in Python

Default heapq is min queue implementation and wondering if there is an option for max queue? Thanks. I tried the …

python algorithm queue priority-queue
Priority queue with dynamic item priorities

I need to implement a priority queue where the priority of an item in the queue can change and the …

algorithm heap priority-queue
How to achieve delayed queue with apache kafka?

How do I add delayed jobs on kafka? As I understand it doesn't deal with per message but per topic. …

priority-queue apache-kafka
Why does Dijkstra's Algorithm use a heap (priority queue)?

I have tried using Djikstra's Algorithm on a cyclic weighted graph without using a priority queue (heap) and it worked. …

graph-algorithm priority-queue dijkstra
STL Priority Queue - deleting an item

I want to implement a timer queuing system using the C++ STL priority_queue container adapter. My problem is that …

c++ stl timer priority-queue
Change priority of items in a priority queue

Using Scala 2.9 to implement a kind of Dijkstra algorithm (pseudo code) val queue = new PriorityQueue queue.insert(...) while (!queue.isEmpty) { …

algorithm scala data-structures heap priority-queue
PriorityQueue has objects with the same priority

I'm using a priority queue to sort and use a large number of custom objects. The objects have a "weight" …

java priority-queue
How to use priority queues in Scala?

I am trying to implement A* search in Scala (version 2.10), but I've ran into a brick wall - I can't …

scala tuples priority-queue scala-collections
What's the difference between heapq and PriorityQueue in python?

In python there's a built-in heapq algorithm that gives you push, pop, nlargest, nsmallest... etc that you can apply to …

python data-structures heap priority-queue