Printing arabic text using Zebra printer [ZPL]

Lithu T.V picture Lithu T.V · Nov 3, 2014 · Viewed 7k times · Source

As the title says Is there any option to print the arabic content ZPL Printer.

Thing tried is adding the font and initiate the print

^XA ^FX ^FR ^CF0,40^CI28^FO130,45^FH^FD محاكمة Font file^FS ^XZ

My printer has TT0003M_.TTF font installed but it shows "????" when i tried to print arabic using

^XA^FO50,50^AE:TT0003M_.TTFN,50,50^FDمحاكمة^FS ^XZ

Any idea how to install a font and print the arabic text using ZPL language?


banno picture banno · Nov 3, 2014

^FO50,50^A1N30,30^FDمحاكمة‏ ^FS

Updated this answer to match the other question

Also found this on the Zebra KB -