Top "Prims-algorithm" questions

Prim's algorithm is a fast algorithm for computing minimum spanning trees.

Please explain the relation between Decrease-Key and Extract-Min operations in priority queues

What is the relation between EXTRACT-MIN operation and DECREASE-KEY operations in priority queue? I encountered this in the lecture for …

algorithm data-structures priority-queue minimum-spanning-tree prims-algorithm
Time complexity of Prim's MST Algorithm

Can someone explain to me why is Prim's Algorithm using adjacent matrix result in a time complexity of O(V2)?

algorithm graph time-complexity minimum-spanning-tree prims-algorithm
Prim's algorithm for MST, Adjacency List Implementation in C

I have this question for my programming class which I have been struggling to complete for the past day ... and …

c list graph graph-algorithm prims-algorithm
Prim's MST: Does the start node matter?

I intuitively feel that if one is using Prim's algorithm to find a graph's minimum spanning tree, it doesn't matter …

graph minimum-spanning-tree prims-algorithm