How can I get a random prime of a given bit length in Sage?
For example, to get a 512-bit prime, I tried
p = random_prime(2^512)
but according to the documentation:
The command random_prime(a, True) will return a random prime between 2 and a
so I can't use it, since I need a prime of an exact length.
sage: random_prime?
Signature: random_prime(n, proof=None, lbound=2)
Returns a random prime p between lbound and n (i.e. lbound <= p <=
n). The returned prime is chosen uniformly at random from the set
of prime numbers less than or equal to n.
* "n" - an integer >= 2.
* "proof" - bool or None (default: None) If False, the function
uses a pseudo-primality test, which is much faster for really big
numbers but does not provide a proof of primality. If None, uses
the global default (see "sage.structure.proof.proof")
* "lbound" - an integer >= 2 lower bound for the chosen primes
So is this sufficient?
sage: random_prime(2^512-1,False,2^511)
sage: is_prime(7484165189517896027318192121767201416039872004910529422703501933303497309177247161202453673508851750059292999942026203470027056226694857512284815420448467)