A Prepared Statement (or parameterized statement) is a precompiled SQL statement that serves to improve performance and mitigate SQL injection attacks.
I seem to have problem getting affected_rows when I INSERT and SELECT, it just returns -1 for some reason? …
php mysqli prepared-statement rows-affectedPostgreSQL documentation recommends using a CallableStatement to call stored procedures. In the case of a stored procedure that returns a …
postgresql stored-procedures jdbc prepared-statement callable-statementI have a file containing several SQL statements that I'd like to use to initialize a new sqlite3 database file. …
qt sqlite qt4 prepared-statement qtsqlI'm re-engineering a PHP-driven web site which uses a minimal database. The original version used "pseudo-prepared-statements" (PHP functions which did …
php mysql pdo prepared-statementIs there a known problem with SQLite giving a "database is locked" error for a second query in a single …
perl sqlite prepared-statement dbi dbdI have the following snippet of code in my WCF web service that builds a set of where conditions according …
c# tsql prepared-statement sqlcommandCan the PreparedStatement's .setObject method be used for any data type (String, Integer, Double, Date, DateTime, Byte Array, etc.) supported …
java mysql jdbc prepared-statementHere is what I am trying to do. I want to insert into this table or update the record if …
java mysql sql-update prepared-statement on-duplicate-keyI'm trying to dynamically bind mysql_stmt parameters and get the result in an associative array. I've found this post …
php dynamic prepared-statement sqlbindparameterEverywhere else in Java, anything with an index starts at 0. Is there a reason for the change here or is …
java jdbc indexing prepared-statement