Top "Preference" questions

Preference On Change Listener

I have read this helpful post : SharedPreferences.onSharedPreferenceChangeListener not being called consistently However I am having no luck. I am …

android service listener onchange preference
PreferenceFragment background color

I am using a PreferenceFragment (without a ListView), but am unable to set the background color, and it seems to …

android background-color preference
onProgressChanged() of a SeekBar is called twice

I have created a Custom SeekBarPreference such that it displays a range of time to be selected from (say 0.2 sec …

android seekbar preference
How to clear preference iOS push notifications for my application?

Hello When the application is installed, it asks the user for permission to send push notifications. I'm testing my application. …

iphone ios push-notification preference
Change Preference Item Summary Text Color in Android 4

I have the below sample of preference items <CheckBoxPreference android:key="chkSound" android:summary="Sound is Off" android:title="…

android colors themes preference
how to hide the divider between preferences in fragment

I want to hide the divider between preferences in fragment. The code is below: public class SettingsActivity extends …

android android-fragments fragment preference divider
How to instantiate layout for custom preference, using android:layout attribute

I can set appropriate layout for preference through android:layout attribute. For an example <Preference android:key="friction" android:…

android layout preference