I have read this helpful post : SharedPreferences.onSharedPreferenceChangeListener not being called consistently However I am having no luck. I am …
android service listener onchange preferenceI am using a PreferenceFragment (without a ListView), but am unable to set the background color, and it seems to …
android background-color preferenceI have created a Custom SeekBarPreference such that it displays a range of time to be selected from (say 0.2 sec …
android seekbar preferenceHello When the application is installed, it asks the user for permission to send push notifications. I'm testing my application. …
iphone ios push-notification preferenceI have the below sample of preference items <CheckBoxPreference android:key="chkSound" android:summary="Sound is Off" android:title="…
android colors themes preferenceI want to hide the divider between preferences in fragment. The code is below: 1.SettingsActivity.java public class SettingsActivity extends …
android android-fragments fragment preference dividerI can set appropriate layout for preference through android:layout attribute. For an example <Preference android:key="friction" android:…
android layout preference