Top "Precompile" questions

All questions regarding the precompile process should be tagged here

precompile angular js template to speed up application startup

I have a big angular application with 5 templates included in the main page using <script type="text/ng-template" id="/…

javascript angularjs templates precompile
Sprockets::FileNotFound: couldn't find file 'jquery.ui.all' on Rails 4

Sprockets::FileNotFound: couldn't find file 'jquery.ui.all' I attempted all recommendations found so far. None of them works for …

rake assets precompile
Publish website in visual studio: Use 'Fixed naming and single page assemblies'?

When puslishing a website from Visual studio 2008, you get a dialog box with some options. One of them is 'Use …

.net visual-studio publish precompile
'Android Pre Compiler' error 'Path must include project and resource name'

I'm trying to compile the Android project SGTPuzzles, and am running into problems that I need help understanding. The error …

android eclipse git adt precompile
Rails 3.1.1 assets precompile - rake aborted

EDIT: Anybody else has any suggestions? I'm totally stumped!!! I have an app in which all the assets compile just …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3.1 precompile asset-pipeline
Is there a way to precompile node.js scripts?

Is there a way to precompile node.js scripts and distribute the binary files instead of source files?

node.js binary precompile
Vendor CSS stylesheets in Rails 3.1 and the asset pipeline

I use Twitter Bootstrap (not that that matters but it's a third party CSS file). Because it's a third party …

ruby-on-rails-3.1 asset-pipeline precompile