Objective: I'm attempting to modify a GPO (2008R2 AD) via Powershell (v3). Specifically the value of the User Configuration -> Policies -> Windows Settings -> FileRedirection -> Documents UNC path.
Initial attempt:
import-module grouppolicy;
$StringToFind = "\\this\is\a\template\path";
$GPOBackupFolder = "C:\src\psh\gpoBackupEditRestore\backups";
$GPO = copy-gpo -SourceName "Customer GPO Template v1.4" -targetName "Customer $CustomerID" -CopyACL;
$GPOBackup = $Backup-GPO -guid $gpo.id -path $GPOBackupFolder;
$GPOBackup=gc $GPOBackupXMLPath;
$GPOGPReport= gc $GPOGPReportXMLPath;
foreach($line in $GPOBackup){ac $NewBackupXMLPath $line.Replace($StringToFind,$StringToReplace);}
foreach($line in $GPOGPReport){ac $NewGPReportXMLPath $line.Replace($StringToFind,$StringToReplace);}
remove-item -force $GPOBackupXMLPath;
remove-item -force $GPOGPReportXMLPath;
move-item -force $NewBackupXMLPath $GPOBackupXMLPath
move-item -force $NewGPReportXMLPath $GPOGPReportXMLPath
Remove-GPO -ID $GPO.ID #remove GPO before restore. deleting/commenting this line does not change outcome.
Restore-GPO -BackupID $GPOBackup.ID -Path $GPOBackupFolder
Assuming I'm reading the information correctly at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee461027.aspx, the above Powershell snippit should restore the XML at the local folder location to the GPO in AD. [[I've confirmed that the template values ($StringToFind) do not occur within any other file in the GPOBackupFolder directory.]]
However, the changed values from the local XML files are NOT being restored to AD. I have confirmed this by doing an additional backup of the GPO after restoring it and comparing the initial (modified) backup files (which have been restored) to the post-restore backup value (now containing the /Original/ values!).
Has anyone else attempted this and/or can explain this behaviour as to why Restore-GPO would not be restoring the content of the backup files?
UPDATE: I found a way to directly modify the GPO's ini file on the DC.
As this solution does NOT use any API, I consider this a HACK; however, thus far it's the only solution I've encountered.
From what I've been able to glean (from my limited workings in that world) about AD Architecture & DC Replication, The SYSVOL section of the DC will be replicated to other DC's in the Forrest, same as if the changes were made via MMC. Can anyone confirm this?
Note: As far as I can tell, this script must be run locally from a DC in the same org as the GPO being affected.
$GPO = copy-gpo -SourceName "$GPOTemplateName" -TargetName "$NewGPOName" -CopyACL
#Found post referencing how to Manually Edit GPO's: http://blogg.husbanken.no/it/2013/04/13/manually-edit-gpo-settings/
$GPOFilePath = $adGPO.psbase.properties.gPCFileSysPath;
#Specifically the path to the GPO section affecting Folder Redirection
$GPOFolderRedirectionINIPath = "$GPOFilePath\User\Documents & Settings\fdeploy.ini";
#Functions for importing/exporting an INI file with Powershell in a very standard way: http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2011/08/20/use-powershell-to-work-with-any-ini-file.aspx
. ".\get-inicontent.ps1"; # From: http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/ea40c1ef-c856-434b-b8fb-ebd7a76e8d91
. ".\out-inifile.ps1"; # From: http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/7d7c867f-026e-4620-bf32-eca99b4e42f4
$GPOFolderRedirectionINI = get-iniContent $GPOFolderRedirectionINIPath;
$GPOFolderRedirectionINI["My Documents"]["s-1-1-0"]="\\New\Path\To\CustomerFolder\%USERNAME%\"
$GPOFolderRedirectionINI | out-iniFile $GPOFolderRedirectionINIPath -Force
I've POC'd this, and it functions properly & With any luck someone else will find this method helpful; however I'm hopeful someone finds a better way to do this.