Trying to Get a Nested List of Users in a Group in Active PowerShell Directory

user1368790 picture user1368790 · May 9, 2012 · Viewed 15.1k times · Source

I am trying to get a list of users in a group in an active directory. We have multiple domains. I want to run it from a central location that will poll each domain for each group. Also, I want it to display nested members as well.

Currently, I tried running this and it sort of worked when the machine was on the same domain as the domain I am polling. All members and nested members get displayed.

dsquery group -samid "group name" | dsget group -members -expand >c:\list.txt


But when I try to poll another domain there is no output.

dsquery group -samid "cn=group name,cn=users,dc=domain2,dc=com" | dsget group -members -expand >c:\list.txt

dsget failed: 'target object for this command' is  missing

Then if I try it without the same id I get an output.

dsquery group "cn=group name,cn=users,dc=domain2,dc=com" | dsget group -members -expand >c:\list.txt

"cn=group name,ou=users,dc=domain2,dc=com"

So I get ids and it is not showing the nested members.

What can I do to get it to resolve the correct nested members and non-sids? Also, how would I go about making it poll multiple group names in multiple domains? Or should I just separate it all out and do one at a time?

Thanks in advance!


JPBlanc picture JPBlanc · May 10, 2012

As far as I understand your question is partly answered in Listing users in ad group recursively with powershell script without CmdLets

But if you are working in W2K8R2 environement you can use Active-Directory module.

Import-Module activedirectory
Get-ADGroupMember groupName -Recursive