Top "Postscript" questions

PostScript is a Turing-complete page description programming language, designed and developed by Adobe.

Html5 component for rendering and annotating PDF documents in the browser?

I am trying to build a webapp that can view and annotate PDF files in a browser without flash player …

javascript pdf html postscript
Java printing directly to a Postscript network printer

I've got Postscript code/data (?) in memory (in a Java Tomcat webapp) that I'd like to send directly to a …

java networking printing postscript
Tracking Code Into a PDF or PostScript File

Is there a way to track when a PDF is opened? Perhaps by embedding some script into the pdf itself? …

pdf pdf-generation tracking postscript
Python tkinter save canvas as postscript and add to pdf

I have a simple python tkinter paint program (user use mouse to draw on the canvas). My objective is to …

python pdf canvas tkinter postscript
Intercepting data sent to a Windows printer (using RedMon)

I need to intercept data being sent to a ESC/POS printer on Windows and analyze it. So I wanted …

java windows printing postscript redmon
Is it possible in Ghostscript to add watermark to every page in PDF

I convert PDF -> many JPEG and many JPEG -> many PDF using ghostscript. I need to add …

pdf jpeg ghostscript watermark postscript
How do you convert PDFs to PNGs with ghostscript?

I'm usually able to use ghostscript to convert PDFs to PNGs with the command: gs \ -q \ -dNOPAUSE \ -dBATCH \ -sDEVICE=pnggray \ …

pdf ghostscript postscript
Can transparency be used with PostScript/EPS?

I am trying to save an R plot as an EPS file but I have a problem with the following …

r plot transparency postscript
unicode in postscript

Is there anyway to use unicode strings (most probably in UTF-8, but could be any encoding) in PostScript? So far, …

unicode postscript
View postscript files on android

Is there a free way to view postscript files on android? I cannot find a solution online but surely lots …

android postscript