When do Postgres column or table names need quotes and when don't they?

Orysza picture Orysza · Mar 22, 2019 · Viewed 7.8k times · Source

Let's consider the following postgres query:

WHERE "bool_var"=FALSE 
 AND "str_var"='something';

The query fails to respond properly when I remove quotes around "str_var" but not when I do the same around "bool_var". Why? What is the proper way to write the query in that case, no quotes around the boolean column and quotes around the text column? Something else?


Kjetil S. picture Kjetil S. · Mar 22, 2019

PostgreSQL converts all names (table name, column names etc) into lowercase if you don't prevent it by double quoting them in create table "My_Table_ABC" ( "My_Very_Upper_and_Lowercasy_Column" numeric,...). If you have names like this, you must always double quote those names in selects and other references.

I would recommend not creating tables like this and also not using chars outside a-z, 0-9 and _. You can not guarantee that every piece of software, library etc ever to be used against your database will support case-sensitivity. It's also tedious to remember and doing this double quoting.