I am trying to get a "total override" but only sum if the agent = x,y or z
DISTINCT( "public"."rdf_dean"."agent_name" ) AS "Agent",
SUM("public"."rdf_dean"."paidcomm" *.9) AS "Paid to Agent",
SUM("public"."rdf_dean"."paidcomm" *.1) AS "Overrides",
SUM overrides IF agent_name = x OR agent_name = y OR agent_name = z
FROM "public"."rdf_dean"
WHERE "public"."rdf_dean"."created_date" = date(now())
GROUP BY agent_name
If you want to have both aggregates for all rows and for some you can use FILTER (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/sql-expressions.html):
"public"."rdf_dean"."agent_name" AS "Agent",
SUM("public"."rdf_dean"."paidcomm" *.9) AS "Paid to Agent",
SUM("public"."rdf_dean"."paidcomm" *.1) AS "Overrides",
SUM("public"."rdf_dean"."paidcomm" *.1)
FILTER (WHERE agent_name = x OR agent_name = y OR agent_name = z)
AS "Partial Overrides",
FROM "public"."rdf_dean"
WHERE "public"."rdf_dean"."created_date" = date(now())
GROUP BY agent_name