Is it possible to partially refresh a materialized view in PostgreSQL?

Pavel V. picture Pavel V. · Sep 3, 2014 · Viewed 9.1k times · Source

In Oracle, it is possible to refresh just part of the data. But in PostgreSQL, materialized views are supported since 9.3 (the current version now), which is not so long. So I wonder: is it possible to refresh just part of the data in the materialized view in PostgreSQL 9.3? If yes, how to do it?


Craig Ringer picture Craig Ringer · Sep 3, 2014

PostgreSQL doesn't support progressive / partial updates of materialized views yet.

9.4 adds REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY but it still has to be regenerated entirely.

Hopefully we'll see support in 9.5 if someone's enthusiastic enough. It's only possible to do this without user-defined triggers/rules for simple materialized views though, and special support would be needed to even handle things like incremental update of a count(...) ... GROUP BY ....

The Oracle answer you refer to isn't actually incremental refresh, though. It's refresh by-partitions. For PostgreSQL to support that natively, it'd first have to support real declarative partitioning - which it doesn't, though we're discussing whether it can be done for 9.5.