I have a query like this that nicely generates a series of dates between 2 given dates:
select date '2004-03-07' + j - i as AllDate
from generate_series(0, extract(doy from date '2004-03-07')::int - 1) as i,
generate_series(0, extract(doy from date '2004-08-16')::int - 1) as j
It generates 162 dates between 2004-03-07
and 2004-08-16
and this what I want. The problem with this code is that it wouldn't give the right answer when the two dates are from different years, for example when I try 2007-02-01
and 2008-04-01
Is there a better solution?
Can be done without conversion to/from int (but to/from timestamp instead)
SELECT date_trunc('day', dd):: date
FROM generate_series
( '2007-02-01'::timestamp
, '2008-04-01'::timestamp
, '1 day'::interval) dd