Top "Post-increment" questions

For issues relating to defining or performing post increment operations.

Is there a performance difference between i++ and ++i in C++?

We have the question is there a performance difference between i++ and ++i in C? What's the answer for C++?

c++ performance oop post-increment pre-increment
increment value of int being pointed to by pointer

I have an int pointer (i.e., int *count) that I want to increment the integer being pointed at by …

c pointers increment post-increment
Pre increment vs Post increment in array

I am learning programming and I have started from C language. I was reading Let us C book. And I …

c post-increment pre-increment
What is x after "x = x++"?

What happens (behind the curtains) when this is executed? int x = 7; x = x++; That is, when a variable is post …

java operators post-increment
Post Increment in while loop in C

Here is a very simple C program: int main() { int i = 0; while(i++ < 10) printf("%d\n", i); return 0; } The …

c while-loop post-increment pre-increment
Pre- & Post Increment in C#

I am a little confused about how the C# compiler handles pre- and post increments and decrements. When I code …

c# post-increment pre-increment
How does the increment operator work in an if statement?

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int x = 0; if (x++) printf("true\n"); else if (x == 1) printf("false\n"); …

c if-statement post-increment
What is more efficient, i++ or ++i?

Exact Duplicate: Is there a performance difference between i++ and ++i in C++? Exact Duplicate: Difference between i++ and ++i …

java c++ performance post-increment pre-increment
Why doesn't changing the pre to the post increment at the iteration part of a for loop make a difference?

Why does this int x = 2; for (int y =2; y>0;y--){ System.out.println(x + " "+ y + " "); x++; } prints the same …

java post-increment
Is the behavior of return x++; defined?

If I have for example a class with instance method and variables class Foo { ... int x; int bar() { return x++; } }; …

c++ return post-increment