Top "Posix" questions

POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) is a set of standards defining programming APIs, a command interpreter, and common utilities for Unix-like operating systems.

What is POSIX PSE51 that Adaptive AUTOSAR based on?

What is POSIX PSE51 that Adaptive AUTOSAR based on? While studying Adaptive AUTOSAR, I found 'Adaptive AUTOSAR is based on …

posix autosar
PHP pcntl_signal callbacks are not called

This is the complete reproducible code. <?php class console{ public static function log($msg, $arr=array()){ $str = vsprintf($msg, $…

php signals posix pcntl
How can I use mach_absolute_time without overflowing?

On Darwin, the POSIX standard clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) timer is not available. Instead, the highest resolution monotonic timer is …

macos x86 posix powerpc darwin
bad file descriptor in posix mqueue

Anybody could please help me to resolve the issue of bad file descriptor in posix mqueue. I am trying to …

c posix file-descriptor mqueue
how to detect a pin change of a GPIO on Linux board

I am using 3.12 kernel on an ARM based linux board (imx233 CPU). My purpose is to detect pin change of …

c linux posix embedded-linux gpio
Cost of context switch between threads of same process, on Linux

Is there any good empirical data on the cost of context switching between threads of the same process on Linux (…

c linux pthreads posix context-switch
Error implementing posix message queue - "Function not implemented"

I have written this code to make a posix message queue. But I am receiving an error "Function not implemented". …

c++ linux posix message-queue ubuntu-10.10
getline() with a file descriptor instead of a file pointer

To my knowledge, there is no libc equivalent to getline() that works with a file descriptor instead of working with …

c posix getline libc
Cross platform way of testing whether a file is a directory

Currently I have some code like (condensed and removed a bunch of error checking): dp = readdir(dir); if (dp->…

unix posix system-calls dirent.h