I have a standard Ionic 4 page (Home) that creates a popover that uses a component (BusinessDetails) with a button that redirects to a new page (RequestTurn). However, when I click on that button, the popover is not dismissed and is renders on top of my RequestTurn page. I guess I need to manually dismiss it from the component (BusinessDetails), but I don't know how to access the instance of the popover from there, because it was created in the Home page. Is there a way to do this?
presentModal(business:Business, event: Event) {
component: BusinessDetailsComponent,
cssClass: "business-popover",
showBackdrop: true,
componentProps: {
business: business
}) as any).then(popover => popover.present()); }
goToRequestTurn(id: string) {
//Need to dismiss popver here (?)
this.router.navigateByUrl(`/request-turn/${id}`); }
Thanks for your help.
add private popoverController: PopoverController
to the component constructor
then write a function like this and call it when you want to dismiss the modal
async DismissClick() {
await this.popoverController.dismiss();