Vector of objects belonging to a trait

Jacob Wang picture Jacob Wang · Sep 13, 2014 · Viewed 20.7k times · Source

Consider the following code:

trait Animal {
    fn make_sound(&self) -> String;

struct Cat;
impl Animal for Cat {
    fn make_sound(&self) -> String {

struct Dog;
impl Animal for Dog {
    fn make_sound(&self) -> String {

fn main () {
    let dog: Dog = Dog;
    let cat: Cat = Cat;
    let v: Vec<Animal> = Vec::new();
    for animal in v.iter() {
        println!("{}", animal.make_sound());

The compiler tells me that v is a vector of Animal when I try to push cat (type mismatch)

So, how can I make a vector of objects belonging to a trait and calls the corresponding trait method on each element?


Francis Gagn&#233; picture Francis Gagné · Sep 13, 2014

Vec<Animal> is not legal, but the compiler can't tell you that because the type mismatch somehow hides it. If we remove the calls to push, the compiler gives us the following error:

<anon>:22:9: 22:40 error: instantiating a type parameter with an incompatible type `Animal`, which does not fulfill `Sized` [E0144]
<anon>:22     let mut v: Vec<Animal> = Vec::new();

The reason why that's not legal is that a Vec<T> stores many T objects consecutively in memory. However, Animal is a trait, and traits have no size (a Cat and a Dog are not guaranteed to have the same size).

To solve this problem, we need to store something that has a size in the Vec. The most straightforward solution is to wrap the values in a Box, i.e. Vec<Box<Animal>>. Box<T> has a fixed size (a "fat pointer" if T is a trait, a simple pointer otherwise).

Here's a working main:

fn main() {
    let dog: Dog = Dog;
    let cat: Cat = Cat;
    let mut v: Vec<Box<Animal>> = Vec::new();
    for animal in v.iter() {
        println!("{}", animal.make_sound());