Top "Polyfills" questions

Downloadable code used to add new functionality to browsers.

System js syntax error, IE11

I've got an angular 2 app working inside firefox and chrome, not so much inside (sigh) IE. Based on my stack …

javascript angular internet-explorer systemjs polyfills
Shim vs. Sham: What is the difference?

What is the difference between a shim an a sham? Is it enough to include es5-shim.min.js and …

javascript ecmascript-5 ecmascript-6 polyfills
how can I use babel polyfill to support all IE11 issues with gulp

I've been piecing together support for IE11 by adding plugins for transform-object-assign and array-includes and now I'm getting a symbol …

javascript gulp internet-explorer-11 babeljs polyfills
How to emulate CSS Scroll Snap Points in Chrome?

Firefox 39, Safari 9 and IE11 provide support for CSS Scroll Snap Points. Chrome has the feature in development. Is there a …

css polyfills
Polyfill for TextDecoder

I'm using fetch and have included the whatwg-fetch polyfill in my application. I also employ TextDecoder as described in Jake …

javascript fetch-api polyfills
How do you add polyfills to Globals in typescript (modules)

I was able to find a polyfill(on stack overflow) for Array#includes and add it to typescript but after …

typescript polyfills shim
How do I use babel's `useBuiltIns: 'usage'` option on the vendors bundle?

Since I need to support also IE11, I need to transpile also node_modules. This is the babel config I …

internet-explorer babeljs polyfills babel-polyfill
Using babel-standalone in the browser

I am using babel-standalone and I am doing the exact same thing as…

javascript node.js babeljs polyfills
Is there any use in importing both ES6 and ES7 core-js polyfills?

Is it useful or redundant to import the ES6 polyfill for Object import 'core-js/es6/object'; and also the ES7 …

javascript polyfills
How to add flatMap using babel 7?

After reading the article Removing Babel's Stage Presets by babel, I still not fully understand how to add a proposal …

javascript babeljs polyfills babel-polyfill