Top "Polar-coordinates" questions

An alternative form of plotting in mathematical space (other methods include Cartesian and Cylindrical) which utilizes pole-based coordinates (radius,theta) to plot points.

Polar heatmaps in python

I want to plot a paraboloid f(r) = r**2 as a 2D polar heatmap. The output I expect is The …

python matplotlib heatmap polar-coordinates
How to draw rounded line ends using matplotlib

Say I am plotting a complex value like this: a=-0.49+1j*1.14 plt.polar([0,angle(x)],[0,abs(x)],linewidth=5) Giving …

python numpy matplotlib polar-coordinates
Produce a RA vs DEC equatorial coordinates plot with python

I'm trying to generate an equatorial coordinates plot that should look more or less like this one: (The figure is …

python matplotlib astronomy polar-coordinates
How to use log scale on polar axis in matplotlib

I am trying to create a polar plot with a log scale on the radial axis but I keep getting …

python matplotlib polar-coordinates
jqplot best alternative for polar and radar chart

I'm looking for an alternative to plot polar data. I need to realize a charts like this with dinamic options …

jquery html jqplot polar-coordinates radar-chart
How to convert cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates in JS?

I need to know angle of rotation in polar coordinates using X and Y from cartesian coordinates. How to do …

javascript math polar-coordinates cartesian-coordinates