How can I set the window size of a plot window?

ulrichb picture ulrichb · Mar 3, 2009 · Viewed 53.8k times · Source

Is it possible to set the window size / position of a plot window (figure)?

plot(0:20, sin(0:20))

Or is there any other possibility to change the size of the print() command?

print('aa.png', '-dpng')

Because the -Sxsize,ysize parameter doesn't change anything. The size of the written picture (aa.png) has always the same size as the plot window.

I'm using Octave 3.0.


user73613 picture user73613 · Mar 4, 2009

Yes, it is possible:

figure(1, 'position',[startx,starty,width,height]);

[startx,starty] are the coordinates for the lower left corner of your figure (window).

You can also use the resolution option of the print function


I guess the first solution might be better...
