Top "Pinchzoom" questions

Gesture which allows the user to zoom in by moving two fingers closer together while touching the display.

pinch zoom feature inside a scroll view

I have a scroll view. I need to apply pinch zoom feature inside this scroll view. Can any suggest a …

android pinchzoom
Disable pinch zoom in MPAndroidChart library

I want to disable pinch zoom at barchart in MPAndroidChart library how i can do that. library.barchart.setpinzoomenable(false); …

android pinchzoom
Lightbox not playing nice with mobile device

Lightbox is awesome on the pc. However, the situation is: I've been getting various complaints from Android and iPhone owners …

android css lightbox2 mobile-browser pinchzoom
Pinch Zoom and 2 finger Rotation the ImageView in Android

I've a problem from last 2 days and unable to tackle it as I'm newbie. Actually I'm working on an Android …

android android-studio multi-touch image-rotation pinchzoom