Top "Pickle" questions

An object serialization module for Python.

ValueError: insecure string pickle

When I am trying to load something I dumped using cPickle, I get the error message: ValueError: insecure string pickle …

python pickle
Pickle dump huge file without memory error

I have a program where I basically adjust the probability of certain things happening based on what is already known. …

python memory file-io pickle
PicklingError: Can't pickle <class 'decimal.Decimal'>: it's not the same object as decimal.Decimal

This is the error I got today at <a href""> PicklingError: Can't pickle &…

python django pickle
Unable to load files using pickle and multiple modules

I'm trying to create a user system, which uses a setting and Gui module, and when the GUI module requests …

python multithreading login pyqt4 pickle
Python: How do I write a list to file and then pull it back into memory (dict represented as a string convert to dict) later?

More specific dupe of 875228—Simple data storing in Python. I have a rather large dict (6 GB) and I need to …

python pickle
Python pickle/unpickle a list to/from a file

I have a list that looks like this: a = [['a string', [0, 0, 0], [22, 'bee sting']], ['see string', [0, 2, 0], [22, 'd string']]] and am having …

python file-io pickle
EOFError in Python script

I have the following code fragment: def database(self): databasename="" host="" user="" password="" try: self.fp=file("detailing.dat","rb") …

python pickle raw-input eoferror
Pickle with custom classes

Suppose I have a simple python class definition in a file class Test: A = [] And I also have …

python pickle
ImportError: No module named 'pandas.indexes'

Importing pandas didn't throw the error, but rather trying to read a picked pandas dataframe as such: import numpy as …

python numpy pandas pickle
Why can I pass an instance method to multiprocessing.Process, but not a multiprocessing.Pool?

I am trying to write an application that applies a function concurrently with a multiprocessing.Pool. I would like this …

python python-2.7 multiprocessing pickle