JetBrains PhpStorm is a commercial IDE for PHP built on JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA.
Unlike Netbeans, in Jetbrains IDEs, the setting files related to user and team are mixed in the same folder that …
git intellij-idea phpstorm ignoreI would like to transform all "array(...)" notation in "[...]" in my project but I don't find a regex that work …
regex replace phpstormFor some reason, PHPStorm has decided to render any file named root.js as plain text without the JS coloring …
phpstormIs there a way to ask phpStorm to update the contents of a docblock? eg if I have the following …
phpstorm docblocksI am running PhpStorm on Linux Mint installed in /opt. PhpStorm is notifying me that there is an update available (8.0.3), …
linux ubuntu phpstorm linux-mintWhen I create a new file using PhpStorm it creates it's own comment at the top, this would be fine …
php codeigniter phpstormI want to be able to have syntax highlighting in PHPStorm for Volt, Phalcon's template engine. Is there a way …
phpstorm phalcon voltI currently use Komodo and work directly off a remote server. I have just discovered phpstorm and I want to …
phpstorm remote-serverI tried to work with PhpStorm and Git. I have previous experience using NetBeans and I didn't have any problem …
git version-control phpstorm jetbrains-ide