'<!-- PMA-SQL-ERROR --> when importing db

Sapir picture Sapir · May 27, 2015 · Viewed 10.2k times · Source

I'm trying to import my database into a new one however I get the following error:

1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near <!-- PMA-SQL-ERROR -->

 <div class="error"><h1>Error</h1>

SQL query at line 1

The error in the exported file is:

<!-- PMA-SQL-ERROR -->
    <div class="error"><h1>Error</h1>
<p><strong>SQL query:</strong>
<a       href="tbl_sql.php?sql_query=SHOW+TABLE+STATUS+FROM+%60addcart138an%60+LIKE+%2    7zen_categories%27&amp;show_query=1&amp;db=addcart138an&    amp;table=zen_categories&amp;token=ed1d79622b85c64e6353225dce5738e8"><span     class="nowrap"><img     src="themes/dot.gif" title="Edit" alt="Edit"     class="icon ic_b_edit" /> Edit</span></a>    </p>
<span class="syntax"><span class="inner_sql"><a href="./url.php?url=http    %3A%2F    %2Fdev.mysql.com%2Fdoc%2Frefman%2F5.5%2Fen%2Fshow.html&amp;token=ed1d79622b85    c64e6353225dce5738e8" target="mysql_doc"><span class="syntax_alpha     syntax_alpha_reservedWord">SHOW</span></a>  <span class="syntax_alpha     syntax_alpha_reservedWord">TABLE</span>  <span class="syntax_alpha         syntax_alpha_reservedWord">STATUS</span>  <span class="syntax_alpha     syntax_alpha_reservedWord">FROM</span>  <span class="syntax_quote     syntax_quote_backtick">`addcart138an`</span>  <a href="./url.php?url=http    %3A%2F%2Fdev.mysql.com%2Fdoc%2Frefman%2F5.5%2Fen%2Fstring-comparison-    functions.html%23operator_like&amp;token=ed1d79622b85c64e6353225dce5738e8"     target="mysql_doc"><span class="syntax_alpha     syntax_alpha_reservedWord">LIKE</span></a>  <span class="syntax_quote     syntax_quote_single">'zen_categories'</span></span></span>
    <strong>MySQL said: </strong><a href="./url.php?url=http%3A%2F    %2Fdev.mysql.com%2Fdoc%2Frefman%2F5.5%2Fen%2Ferror-messages-    server.html&amp;token=ed1d79622b85c64e6353225dce5738e8"     target="mysql_doc"><img src="themes/dot.gif" title="Documentation"     alt="Documentation" class="icon ic_b_help" /></a>
#2006 - MySQL server has gone away
</code><br />

I have tried exporting the first db again and also tried changing the settings for the export however I keep receiving the same error.

When I open the sql file I can see that the error code is at the bottom of the page, when deleted I don't get an error message but only a few of the db tables are actually imported.

I have tried searching for the answer, however the only relevant question I found has no answers.


Rakesh kapoor picture Rakesh kapoor · Nov 9, 2015

I have faced this problem while export the database and founded the solution for this error. This error occurred due to large amount of data in your database tables and less php execution time. To resolve this go to your hosting account as I have godaddy hosting account -> Cpanel then under Files section click on Back & Resort and get the mysql database backup. It will show you all the databases with download option. Click on the database to download the zip file like yourdatabase.sql.gz . It is the compressed and light weight (in terms of size) package. when downloaded extract it and import it on phpmyadmin.
