How to send SMS messages from a server

ragebunny picture ragebunny · Apr 3, 2012 · Viewed 48.9k times · Source

I want to send SMS messages to multiple numbers in my database based on an event happening. I was wondering if there is a way of doing this in PHP or Javascript? Maybe there is a function like php's mail function?

If not does anyone know of any good and easy to implement systems paid or free?

I'd like to have a go at developing something like this myself, but have a feeling that it might take me a long time.

Any other information or tips on the subject would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the time.

Oh, also I'm using Ubuntu server if that helps.


ro ko picture ro ko · Apr 3, 2012

There is no function in PHP or javascript that can send sms directly. SMS are basically based on Short Message Peer-to-Peer (SMPP) protocol so there is no way you can directly send sms programmatically. Yes you could use smsgateway or an existing api where you can make a http request from php. There are lot of sms service providers like VAS providers and there are lot of free and open source smsgateway like kannel which you can use to send/recieve sms or if you could configure your own gateway as well.