I want to pass my PHP server time to my JavaScript file.
PHP Code:
echo date("r");
$.get('time.php', function(data) {
today = new Date(data);
closing = new Date(data);
The PHP code returns Sun, 18 Mar 2012 12:01:23 +0800 which is correct time for Australia/Perth. But this returns an invalid JavaScript date object.
When I try to convert it to timestamp like:
echo strtotime(date("r"));
I get the JavaScript date Sun Mar 18 2012 04:03:14 GMT+0000 (WET) (this is the value of today js var)
If I use:
echo gmstrftime('%s');
I get: Sat Mar 17 2012 20:04:30 GMT+0000 (WET).
Can anyone please help me out?
The PHP code in Luna's answer with echo date
isn't exactly like JavaScript code. This will mimic the JavaScript code exactly:
echo date('D M d Y H:i:s O');