How can I remove the copyright tag from ID3 of mp3s in python or php?

Roozbeh15 picture Roozbeh15 · Feb 3, 2012 · Viewed 42.9k times · Source

I have a bunch of mp3 files that are pretty old and don't have any copy rights. Yet, the place I got them from has filled the copy right tags with its own website url.

I was wondering if there's an easy way to remove these tags programmatically? There's a winamp add on that allows me to do this for each song, but that's not very feasible.

Edit: Is copyright part of the ID3 tags?

Thanks, -Roozbeh


AKX picture AKX · Feb 3, 2012

For Python, there's the mutagen library and tool, which is very easy to use.

However if you're not looking to actually do this programmatically, on Windows there's the freeware app MP3Tag, which I can heartily recommend. It'll do batch transformations and lots more.