I'm currently using Vim as a lightweight IDE. I have NERDTree, bufexplorer, supertab, and ctags plugins which do almost everything I want. Only big thing missing for me is auto code formatting.
I'm working with some messy PHP code which has inconsistent indenting and code formatting, ideally I could highlight the code I want formatted (whole files would be fine too) and run a command to tidy it.
Does anybody have a nice solution for this working in Vim?
Quick way to fix PHP indentation in vim is to visually select the lines you want to work with using shift-v, and then press equals (=) to trigger auto-formatting.
As for other formatting issues you're probably looking at employing some regex search and replaces, such as :%s/^M/\r/g
(that's ctrl-V ctrl-m, not caret-M) to fix line endings