Write Privileges - localhost - Mac OSX

Paul Mason picture Paul Mason · Nov 7, 2011 · Viewed 45.6k times · Source

I'm new to the mac world and have just been setting up my webserver. I used the following guide: https://alan.ivey.dev/posts/2011/os-x-10.7-lion-development-native-mamp-with-mysql-installer/

I've transferred my sites and databases and everything is going pretty well. The only problem I have is with the writing permissions. For example there is a config file that needs to be written to, and I had to right click, go to Get Info then enable read & write for staff and everyone.

I can't manually go through and enable these write privileges for every file/folder. I didn't need to do this using WAMP and made development much quicker.

So wondering about 2 possible solutions: a) add my user account to a whitelist for the localhost so that 644 privileges are sufficient b) set the write privileges recursively


Paul Mason picture Paul Mason · Mar 8, 2012

I found the best solution was to change the apache user and group settings. The instructions can be found at: http://paulmason.name/item/change-apache-user-group-in-lion-os-x

  1. Open Terminal and Enter

    sudo nano /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf
  2. Find and change http.conf code from

    User _www
    Group _www


    User your_mac_username
    Group staff

    Note: With earlier versions such as Leopard, capitalize staff to Staff. You can get your username and group by typing "id" and hitting enter in terminal

  3. Restart Apache

    sudo apachectl restart