function imagecreatetruecolor() is not working in my server

Jithesh Kt picture Jithesh Kt · Oct 24, 2011 · Viewed 30.4k times · Source

In my website's cpanel it shows that

Apache version : 2.0.63 PHP version : 5.2.9 MySQL version : 5.0.92-community Operating system : linux

I currently installed a joomla website inside the server. I am using a module named "negetics PSS" as my homepage banner.

Here is the working model of the banner :

as you can see in the demo, the 6 handles of that slider is generated using php imagecreatetruecolor function. Now my problem is that, while i am using this module in my server, the module is generating error in its error log that :

[24-Oct-2011 02:32:27] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatetruecolor() in.....

as a result you can imagine, the handles are not generating. How do i fix this..? please Help me.



chandoo picture chandoo · Oct 24, 2011

Install Gd library. follow the below link. GD library instalation