How do you use IN clauses with mysqli prepared statements

user93836 picture user93836 · Apr 21, 2009 · Viewed 13.6k times · Source

I’m moving some old code over to the new msqli interface using prepared statements, I’m having trouble with SQL statements containing the IN clause. I would just normally do this:

$ids = '123,535,345,567,878'
$sql = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN ($ids)";
$res = mysql_query($sql);

Converting this to mysqli and prepared statements I have tried a number of solutions:

$ids = '123,535,345,567,878'
$ids = implode($ids,',');
$result = $msqli->prepare("SELECT foo,blar FROM table WHERE id IN (?));
$result->bind_param("i", $ids);

The above fails and calculating the number of elements in the array and altering number of question marks in the SQL string and calling bind_parm for each element in the array also fails. Just using the comma separated string also fails.

I can find no good documentation in Google on this, so how have you solved the problem?


Alnitak picture Alnitak · Apr 21, 2009

It's not possible to bind a list of variable length to a single bound variable.

Similarly, if you were to bind the string $ids you'll actually end up with:

SELECT foo,blar FROM table WHERE id IN ('123,535,345,567,878')

(Note the quotes around the list of IDs).

Creating your own query with the right number of question marks and bound parameters should have actually worked - you may need to try that again and report on the actual error.

Alternatively, this may be one of those occasions where it's unfortunately necessary to hand-craft your own SQL and not use bound parameters.