Is a translation of the below code at all possible using PHP?
The code below is written in JavaScript. It returns html with numeric character references where needed. Ex. smslån -> smslån
I have been unsuccessful at creating a translation. This script looked like it may work, but returns å
for å instead of å
as the javascript below does.
function toEntity() {
var aa = document.form.utf.value;
var bb = '';
for(i=0; i<aa.length; i++)
bb += '&#' + aa.charCodeAt(i) + ';';
bb += aa.charAt(i);
document.form.entity.value = bb;
PHP's ord function sounds like it does the same thing as charCodeAt, but it does not. I get 195 for å using ord and 229 using charCodeAt. That, or I am having some incredibly difficult encoding problems.
$convmap = array(0x80, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff);
echo mb_encode_numericentity($utf8Str, $convmap, 'UTF-8');