PHP+Imagick - PNG Compression

Czechnology picture Czechnology · Sep 18, 2011 · Viewed 10.1k times · Source

How do I efficiently compress a PNG? In my case, the images are small grayscale images with transparency.

Currently I'm playing with this:

// ...


As Imagick doesn't offer COMPRESSION_PNG, I've tried LZW but there's almost no change in the filesize (usually it's even bigger than before).

If I open the image in GIMP and simply save it, the filesize gets drastically reduced (e.g. 11,341 B --> 3,763 B or 11,057 B --> 3,538).

What is the correct way of saving a compressed PNG with Imagick?


Kurt Pfeifle picture Kurt Pfeifle · Aug 21, 2012

Have a look at the first part of this answer:

It explains the meaning + syntax of ImageMagick's -quality setting for PNGs.