I'm using DOMDocument
to generate a new XML file and I would like for the output of the file to be indented nicely so that it's easy to follow for a human reader.
For example, when DOMDocument
outputs this data:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<this attr="that"><foo>lkjalksjdlakjdlkasd</foo><foo>lkjlkasjlkajklajslk</foo></this>
I want the XML file to be:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<this attr="that">
I've been searching around looking for answers, and everything that I've found seems to say to try to control the white space this way:
$foo = new DOMDocument();
$foo->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$foo->formatOutput = true;
But this does not seem to do anything. Perhaps this only works when reading XML? Keep in mind I'm trying to write new documents.
Is there anything built-in to DOMDocument
to do this? Or a function that can accomplish this easily?
DomDocument will do the trick, I personally spent couple of hours Googling and trying to figure this out and I noted that if you use
$xmlDoc = new DOMDocument ();
$xmlDoc->loadXML ( $xml );
$xmlDoc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$xmlDoc->formatOutput = true;
In that order, It just doesn't work but, if you use the same code but in this order:
$xmlDoc = new DOMDocument ();
$xmlDoc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$xmlDoc->formatOutput = true;
$xmlDoc->loadXML ( $xml );
Works like a charm, hope this helps