Hi there I got a DQL that works (I get all my event since the beginning) :
->select("u.surname, count(u.surname) as total")
->from("User", "u")
->from("AbstractEvent", "e")
->from("Attendance", "a")
->where("u = a.attendee")
->andWhere("e = a.event")
But this one doesn't (I would like only this month event):
->select("u.surname, count(u.surname) as total")
->from("User", "u")
->from("AbstractEvent", "e")
->from("Attendance", "a")
->where("u = a.attendee")
->andWhere("e = a.event")
->andWhere("e.date>?", date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('-'.(date('j')-1).' day')) )
My error.log has this line :
#0 /var/www/Doctrine/ORM/Query/AST/InputParameter.php(46): Doctrine\\ORM\\Query\\QueryException::invalidParameterFormat('?')
A print_r of the date gives me : 2011-08-01 00:00:00 which is correct.
Here is the mapping for date:
* Date of the event.
* @Column(type="datetime")
private $date;
Any help appreciated thanks !
Use a query parameter and then set the DateTime object as value of the parameter. Doctrine will then handle the conversion automatically.
Here is the example code from my own project
$builder = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
->from('MaggotsLeadGeneratorBundle:JobApplication', 'a')
$and = $builder->expr()->andX();
if ($dateFrom) {
$and->add($builder->expr()->gt('a.ctime', ':dateFrom'));
$builder->setParameter('dateFrom', $dateFrom);
if ($dateTo) {
$and->add($builder->expr()->lt('a.ctime', ':dateTo'));
$builder->setParameter('dateTo', $dateTo);
$query = $builder->getQuery();
$result = $query->getResult();