Gmagick extension for php install -- how and where?

Vivek Chandra picture Vivek Chandra · Aug 11, 2011 · Viewed 12.2k times · Source

Downloaded php-pear and tried installing gmagick extension by following the steps given in link ""

The pecl gave an error --

gmagick-1.0.9b1$ pecl install gmagick

Failed to download pecl/gmagick within preferred state "stable", latest release is version 1.0.9b1, stability "beta", use "channel://" to install install failed

Tried adding the channel (no result)--

gmagick-1.0.9b1$ pecl channel-add

Error: No version number found in tag channel-add: invalid channel.xml file

Found the link "" to download the php extension untar'd it to find the following files --

gmagick-1.0.9b1$ ls

config.m4 gmagickdraw_methods.c gmagick_methods.c LICENSE php_gmagick_helpers.h README gmagick.c gmagick_helpers.c gmagickpixel_methods.c php_gmagick.h php_gmagick_macros.h

Tried . / config.m4 only to find more errors

gmagick-1.0.9b1$ . / config.m4

./config.m4: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `gmagick,'
./config.m4: line 1: `PHP_ARG_WITH(gmagick, whether to enable the gmagick extension,'

Been at this since a day with no result.Read that gmagick is a swiss knife of image processing,sad that there isnt much documentation done on it or at least a proper how to install link anywhere.

Badly need help.

Thanks in advance.


liviucmg picture liviucmg · Jan 5, 2012

The following works for me on Kubuntu 11.04. First install the development files:

sudo apt-get install libgraphicsmagick1-dev

Then install GMagick for PHP:

sudo pecl install gmagick-1.1.1RC1

Finally load the extension in PHP:

sudo sh -c 'echo "" >> /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini'
sudo service apache2 restart